The Best of the Year; The Best of the Decade

2019 might have had me asking whether movies or television had ultimately accomplished more in terms of my emotional interest, but it wasn’t as though the movies weren’t good. In fact, they were great.

2019 might have had me asking whether movies or television had ultimately accomplished more in terms of my emotional interest, but it wasn’t as though the movies weren’t good. In fact, they were great.

And in spite of nearly all evidence to the contrary (Scorsese vs. Marvel! Film Twitter vs. human happiness!) being a film fan was sort of awesome this year, too. I regained my faith, in a weird way, that in spite of Mamo (correctly) prophesying the doom of moviegoing before the end of the next decade, the actual thing that movies are can’t, and won’t, be killed. Nearly every movie on this list is a reason why.

The Best Films of 2019

The best shot, certainly, was Park So-Dam’s delectably vicious having a last, weary fag, perched on a toilet exploding with shit, in Bong Joon-Ho’s Parasite. The twelve best films of the year are on this list on Letterboxd.

And the decade? Y’know what, I liked this decade a whole lot too. It took me till now to catch up to the extraordinary biases in my own viewing, for which I’ll never entirely forgive myself, but after revising my best films of the ’00s list, my Best Films of the 2010s list came together pretty quickly.

The Best Films of the 2010s

I mean, this one was pretty obvious; I wrote a whole book about it (which, I swear, will be available to you the reader in 2020!). The rest of the films are a decent mix of the obvious and the less-obvious, the local and the international, the male and the female. Though as always, that mix can get better.