Big purple grapes in the foreground, a basket of peaches in the background.

Virgo season

Fall Cleaning has begun. Have you heard of Fall Cleaning? It’s like Spring Cleaning, except better in every way. There’s a sharpness to Fall Cleaning; a cutting edge. Squirrels pack on weight heading into the winter; I shed it, like water-fat. Bags and bags of giveaway clothes. Boxes of toys: some to sell, some to hand down. New sheets. Small repairs. My closets right now? You could serve dinner in there.

As we climb into Virgo Season and I reach the apex of my power as a Virgo Dragon Boy/Girl hybrid, everything is getting super snuggly over here. The humidity has broken; the balcony is paradise. This year’s garden was a disaster (thanks, climatepocalypse!) but the baked goods are coming in strong. Everything feels fresh. I think when I bite into my first Concord grape of the season I might actually faint from pleasure.

I got my shit together this week and set up a newsletter.

Wow, way to bury the lede

Newsletter! Or, if you like, a way to receive any post marked “blog” in your inbox, instead of having to go hunting for it on a web site, which is too web 1.0 for most folks’ 3.0 minds.

Speaking of 1.0, I realized in the process of setting this up that this blog, in some form or another, has existed for 25 years. That’s kind of bananas, nu? A quarter of a century. I can’t believe I’m at a point in my life where I can count anything in quarter-centuries, but, here we are. Friendships. Addictions. Online diaries. If you do anything long enough, it becomes a whole support structure of the weird castle in the sky of your life.

Some rules of engagement, re: newsletter:

  1. A lotta people will tell you that a newsletter should have a basic theme or topic. Those people are definitely right. This newsletter definitely won’t. Sorry!

    I think, reasonably though, my blog posts tend to fall into three major topic areas lately:
  • Personal reflection
  • Hollywood & Pop Culture
  • My writing process, usually on the fiction side, though I may get more into the screenwriting side as things progress.
  1. I generally aim to have a post up per week, and I generally aim to have that post hit on Fridays at around 9 in the morning. These are generalities, not promises.
  1. The newsletter is free, which of course does not preclude the possibility that it becomes not-free later, but also, I tend to doubt it. Putting ads and paywalls forever in the way of You, The Reader? Who am I, the Washington Post?

    On that kick, also, the side of the blog isn’t going anywhere. These posts will go up here in classic 1.0 style just like they always do; and then they’ll get batch-copied into Ghost and fired off in a newsletter format for your later perusal. This is both easy and relatively peasy.

Are you ready? Me too! Throw your handle in the box below and feel free to contact me if something goes terrifically awry.