Category: Blogging The Next Generation
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Blogging the Next Generation: “Second Chances”
“I know what I want, I know what I’ve got, and you’d be lucky to do so well.” Well, we’re finally here: the One Where They Deal Directly With Riker/Troi (Albeit With A Sci-Fi Twist). If I remember my Star Trek: The Next Generation lore correctly, the unrequited Deanna/Will romance was part of the series…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Timescape”
“He just kept talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no one had a chance to interrupt it was really quite hypnotic.” Aside from being the source for the bridge of “The Picard Song,” which would secure its place in Star Trek: The Next Generation history forever, “Timescape”…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Rightful Heir”
“Look for me there, on that point of light.” This is a fairly workable episode which deals with a wholly unsuitable (for Star Trek) premise: Worf’s crisis of religious faith. Star Trek, which had been an entirely atheist (or at the very least, secular humanist) treatise on the future of humanity prior to Gene Roddenberry’s death –…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Suspicions”
“I don’t know, you tell me, you’re supposed to be wise!” “Suspicions” is emblematic of exactly how bland and unmotivated Star Trek: The Next Generation had become by this point in the run. You want to know what I mean when I say “beige storytelling?” Compare and contrast: the last time we had a Beverly…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Frame of Mind”
“I may be surrounded by insanity, but I am not insane.” I’d always had it in my head that I’d been somewhat unfair to “Frame of Mind” when I was younger. I quite disliked it, but I’ve heard it spoken of fondly over the years and was looking forward to giving it another go. No…
Blogging the Next Generation: “The Chase”
“Graciously, Mister Picard! You could accept it graciously!” I love this episode. I love it on principle: an in-diegesis explanation for why all the aliens we’ve ever met on Star Trek look like human beings with bumps on their foreheads, rather than something (anything) else. That’s the kind of tack-into-the-wind storytelling ballsiness that I can…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Lessons”
“I have a few things to do between now and then.” Let’s settle one thing up front: everybody understands that the Captain is in love with Beverly Crusher. This was revealed at the beginning of Season 1, paid off at the end of Season 7; and in the meantime, we waited. That makes episodes like…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Starship Mine”
“The light in this room would make colour selection exceptionally problematic.” DIE HARD ON THE ENTERPRISE! DIE HARD ON THE ENTERPRISE! Man, remember the early ‘90s, when every ten minutes someone was doing a “Die Hard on a [something]”? It was probably inevitable that Star Trek: The Next Generation would get around to it (and…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Birthright, Part II”
“You do not kill an animal unless you intend to eat it.” The problem with Klingons is laid bare in this shame-faced episode, which is so morally and conceptually muddled that it ends up arguing for race-hatred, religious zealotry, and even fascism. “Birthright, Part II” finds Worf garrisoned at a penal colony inhabited by Klingons…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Birthright”
“Data – you are the bird.” With a flourish of Deep Space Nine’s main title score, we arrive on the first glimpse of the space station and its characters in high definition in “Birthright, Part I,” and the world feels consequently bigger. Can you tell I’m a DS9 geek? I love Dr. Julian Bashir’s crossover…