Category: Reviews
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4K Review: THE LAST PICTURE SHOW, Peter Bogdanovich’s American Elegy
The Criterion Collection continues to build out their appreciable stack of 4K UHD releases with a new 3-disc edition of Peter Bogdanovich’s The Last Picture Show, featuring the 1971 film on both 4K and blu-ray platters, and an additional blu-ray for the lesser-loved 1990 sequel, Texasville.
Blu-ray Review: DRYLONGSO joins the Criterion collection
Rescued from 1990s obscurity by a sharp new transfer, Cauleen Smith’s DIY feature is a treat to revisit. Read on!
I love how many of us (myself included) mentioned our age, or Indy’s age, or both. Read our thoughts here!
THELMA & LOUISE Blu-ray Review: Soaring Into the Criterion Collection
A gregarious polyglot as a filmmaker, Ridley Scott has tried a bit of everything. By the time Thelma & Louise hits screens in 1991, he has already made two of the most important science fiction films of all time, and has tried his hand at historical drama, fantasy, and neo-noir. (In the thirty years since,…
Blu-ray Review: BERGMAN ISLAND, Mia Hansen-Løve Muses on Muses
I think I liked it even more the second time. My review of Criterion’s new blu-ray of BERGMAN ISLAND, on Screen Anarchy, is live!
The Crimes of Skywalker
I went to see Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker when it came out — too many times. I had social commitments I couldn’t reneg without feeling weird about it; plus, that overall sense that even bad Star Wars is worth studying, and a part of the family besides. After that first weekend, though, I…
4K Review: Wong Kar Wai’s IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE Looks Sumptuous
The World of Wong Kar Wai steps into UHD and, surprise surprise, it looks fantastic. Read more
Blu-ray Review: BOAT PEOPLE Shows What War Leaves In Its Wake
Ann Hui’s devastating 1982 portrait of postwar Vietnam and its refugees is despairingly relevant, even timely, in 2022. Read more
Blu-ray Review: TIME, Spellbinding Work Of Lived, and Living, Memory
Director Garrett Bradley explodes her documentary to consider the breadth and weight of the years of an incarcerated family. Read more
WHICH ONE IS THIS?: You Only Live Once WHO’S IN THIS ONE?: Craig (Bond); Fiennes (M); Harris (Moneypenny); Whishaw (Q, now canonically gay); Wright (Leiter).