Category: Years In Review
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A photo finish: was film, or TV, the narrative medium of the decade?
My best of the year and best of the decade lists for film will be on Letterboxd before the end of the year, but by the end of September I was also aware of another, marginally more unsettling feeling: that TV had eclipsed, or come very close to eclipsing, film as the storytelling art form…
The Best Films Of 2018: My Ballot
The OFCS is collecting its nominations today. Here’s how I voted:
The Toy Report: 2017
I don’t think I’ve enjoyed collecting this much in over a decade. I may honestly have taken it a bit too far; new job, new outlook on life, living high on the hog and buying every goddamn thing I set my eyes on. I cancelled a few pre-orders; re-sold a few things that showed up…
The Films of 2017: The Technical Awards
Following upon my Best Films of 2017 list, here’s everything else worth noting about what was a rather terrific year at the movies.
The Best Films of 2016
My annual roundup list is now available on Letterboxd:
Best of 2016: Comics
Best series: Ms. Marvel (G. Willow Wilson) Sure, it’s the comic we need right now. A Muslim-American girl superhero is, distressingly, only becoming more and more crucially relevant with each passing day. G. Willow Wilson’s Ms. Marvel is also insanely good, the most consistently engaging (emotionally and otherwise) title in Marvel’s roster, or pretty much anywhere. Like Runaways…
Toys 2K16: Report
I turned 40 this year. I mention that only because it’s worth noting that either directly or indirectly, my age drove my toy purchases up – not, I think, in a vain attempt to recapture my youth, but more because as of this year ID(officially)GAF. I make a good keep. I bought a place to live. I…