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Many, not all, fantasy worlds that create substantial fandoms have, at least in some small part, an aspirational aspect that drives the identification. They build and require a sense that (regardless of the plotting), the story landscape or story rules…
Mindfulness of body
It was when I was in a painful forearm plank, describing the Flex Mentallo character from Doom Patrol to my trainer, that I realized my life had changed rather dramatically in the past month.
Deep space time
“The universe is unfinished, you know.”
Nirvana on the Adriatic
The sea calls us home.
Bloody satisfaction
I am the one. I am the hypothetical, and hypothetically nonexistent, person you are all alluding to in your reviews of Stranger Things season 4. You: who would want a two and a half hour season finale of a TV…
Here’s to everyone out there still doing it
Or, I’ll never be a real writer, not really, probably
How we live now (in the star wars)
Last month I found myself thinking, as one does, about lightsabres — my lightsabre, more specifically; well, one of my lightsabres, to be more specific still, since I’ve owned several.
Strawberry Festival
Knots so old you mistake them for part of the ground
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