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I am the one. I am the hypothetical, and hypothetically nonexistent, person you are all alluding to in your reviews of Stranger Things season 4. You: who would want a two and a half hour season finale of a TV…
Here’s to everyone out there still doing it
Or, I’ll never be a real writer, not really, probably
How we live now (in the star wars)
Last month I found myself thinking, as one does, about lightsabres — my lightsabre, more specifically; well, one of my lightsabres, to be more specific still, since I’ve owned several.
Strawberry Festival
Knots so old you mistake them for part of the ground
Thank goodness this isn’t a newsletter
Correction: a *paid* newsletter that you expect me to write on any kind of a cadence
What Star Trek is
I’m a Captain Pike guy, and I don’t even know why. The original version of “The Cage” was unearthed and broadcast when I was a relatively new Trek fan, barely a month before the premiere of Star Trek: The Next…
The MCU didn’t kill movies. Movie theatres did.
Sorry Marty. Enough is enough.
May the 4th is not Star Wars Day
The joke is bad and you should feel bad This piece, originally published on TIFF’s The Review on May 4 2017, remains relevant every year. Star Wars is meant to be seen on a big screen. It is meant to…
The Matt Brown Cinematic Universe
Other people doin’ stuff with my marvellous mellifluous voice, how could I not. New playlist:
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