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Iron Fist isn’t just the worst thing in Marvel’s nearly-ten-year MCU arsenal; it’s indeed one of those rarest of pop cultural entities, an outright creative disaster. It can be used as a teaching case in universities for everything from film…
Destroy All Monsters: Peter Jackson’s KING KONG Was Kong, Perfected
It’s always a pleasure to write a sentence about a film that the filmmaker himself would recoil from in disgust, but here it is anyway: Peter Jackson’s 2005 King Kong remake is the best King Kong movie, surpassing the original.
Destroy All Monsters: Myths Evolve Because We Need Them To, And Other Things I Learned From LOGAN
If the MCU and DCEU are the Dollars trilogy – a sensationalist genre at the height of its formal slickness –Logan is McCabe and Mrs. Miller. The myth of the American West is still there, but the people who populate…
Destroy All Monsters: Look to the Movie Stars
It wasn’t a particularly political Oscars after all. Hollywood mostly went about the business of giving and receiving Oscars, and the most political moments in the show – the first Muslim-American actor winning; the proxy Best Foreign Language speech thanks…
The Box And How To Use It
Historically, I do not do well in winters. Perhaps you don’t either. A couple of years ago I started taking my mood disorder seriously, and this past summer was when I figured I ought to start taking winter, specifically, seriously…
Destroy All Monsters: Is JOHN WICK Neo’s Video Game Afterlife?
John Wick certainly feels like a video game. Its “gun-fu” action sequences owe a lot to The Matrix‘s blend of Hong Kong cinema styles (gangsters in suits with guns + Yuen Wo-Ping wire work = The Matrix), but the sheer…
Now on Blu-ray: Kirsten Johnson’s CAMERAPERSON Is One Of Criterion’s Strongest Discs
One of 2016’s best films, director Kirsten Johnson’s documentary CAMERAPERSON joins the Criterion Collection in a beautiful, timely release.
Destroy All Monsters: General Leia Is STAR WARS’ No-Win Scenario
Two weeks ago, Disney took the unprecedented step of announcing that, in spite of their recent resurrection of Peter Cushing for CGI Frankentarkin in Rogue One and in the wake of the tragic passing of Carrie Fisher, that they would…
Destroy All Monsters: Oscars Stay White As Long As Movies Like LA LA LAND Exist
Watching La La Land, for me, was accompanied by a sinking feeling, a pronounced “of course”-ness, a sensation halfway between grudging admiration and simple exhaustion at the obviousness of it all.
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