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Mamo and Cinecast unite to form the Super Ticket! We are one with the force, the force is with us. We are one with the force, the force is with us. We are one with the force, the force is…
Destroy All Monsters: NOCTURNAL ANIMALS Is Sadly On-Point For Women In Hollywood
…This places the film in an unofficial sub-genre: the “intentionally or not” films. I like these. (Die Hard 4 is, “unintentionally or not,” a hell of a movie about how emasculated America felt in the years following 9/11.) In the…
Destroy All Monsters: We’re Bad At Confronting News Like The Bertolucci News
On the weekend one of my listeners jumped on the comment thread for my latest podcast episode to voice his disgust at the news that Bernardo Bertolucci had conspired with Marlon Brando to rape Maria Schneider for a scene in…
Destroy All Monsters: Why The World (Of SUPERGIRL) Doesn’t Need Superman
Can’t resist any SUPERMAN RETURNS reference, can I
Destroy All Monsters: Filmmakers Need To Get Over The Idea That We Want To Be “Immersed”
I’m as big a fan of high-frame-rate cinema as probably exists in the general audience (i.e. I’m not Doug Trumbull, but I’ve seen Ufotog). Hey, I liked Avatar a hell of a lot, too – 3-D included. Saw it six…
Blu-ray Review: Jump Straight Into Akira Kurosawa’s DREAMS
An anthology film of eight shorts, each purportedly inspired by one of Akira Kurosawa’s eponymous dreams, the film is visually unparalleled in his canon and oftentimes so surreal that it’s better experienced with consciousness-expanding substances. (Lest we forget, this is…
Destroy All Monsters: The Tyranny of Straight Lines in ARRIVAL
Here on Earth (both within the film, and out in the real world), time is always a story, and all stories are arranged around it. This happened, then this happened, then this happened. Our entire understanding of psychology is based…
Destroy All Monsters: It’s Not About You, DOCTOR STRANGE
One of the running jokes in Doctor Strange has Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) constantly having to reassert his title to anyone and everyone, because after the accident that shatters his hands sends him scouring the world for a cure, no…
Destroy All Monsters: I Know How Badly You Want To Screw Up WONDER WOMAN, Warner Brothers, But Please Don’t
The thing is, I suspect that what a filmmaker turns in to Warner Brothers and what we actually end up seeing on the screen are pretty far apart. If 2016’s DCEU offerings are anything to go by, the studio wouldn’t…
Destroy All Monsters: Don’t Ruin Christmas The Way You Killed Summer, Hollywood
I’m as against the early proliferation of holiday decorations as the next man, and when I saw the tinsel going up in my local drug store last week – on October 25, and hanging, grotesquely, above the jack-o’-lanterns – I…
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