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Elyse Sternberg and Josh Kriegman’s Weiner opens with a quote from Marshall McLuhan – “the name of a man is a numbing blow from which he never recovers” – which we might just as well paraphrase to: may the gods…
Destroy All Monsters: Was This The Worst Summer We’ve Ever Had At The Movies?
The summer is dwindling to a close and film folks are taking stock of the season, both financially and creatively. It’s looking tepid on both fronts. We’ll lose some franchises that shouldn’t have come as far as they have; and…
Destroy All Monsters: As The DCEU Burns, The Studio’s Model Needs To Change
There are a few factors at play here. The first, obviously, is that regardless of what director is in charge, the team at Warner Brothers / DC clearly has no idea whatsoever what a good movie of one of their…
My So-Cast Life: So-Called Angels
Christmas comes early on My So-Cast Life, as we have a look at the series Very Special Christmas Episode, with its angels, homeless kids, and Rickie Vasquez. Plus: white privilege!
My So-Cast Life: Episode 14 – On The Wagon
Rayanne’s on the wagon, and we’re right there alongside her! And wondering if we might have misjudged Ms. Graff, and her mother Amber, in our previous dealings. Plus all-new diary entries from 1994!
Destroy All Monsters: FIRST CONTACT Is When STAR TREK Sold Out
Look at them guns! That’s Patrick Stewart in 1996’s Star Trek: First Contact, a movie which had a lot of actual guns in it, too, arming the crew of the Starship Enterprise with their own skinny version of the pulse…
Let’s continue to evolve this.
Destroy All Monsters: GHOSTBUSTERS Got Rid of Capitalism; Can We, Too?
I can’t resist saying that I loved Ghostbusters ’16 – yeah, actually loved it, much more so than I expected to – and by sheer dint of my having said that, several users (the majority, I will hazard a guess,…
Blu-ray Review: A TOUCH OF ZEN Comes to the Criterion Collection
Halfway through a year already crammed full of impressive releases (with no sign of slowing down… Dekalog for September!), The Criterion Collection has also taken advantage of the recent 4K remaster of King Hu’s seminal A Touch of Zen, adding…
My So-Cast Life: Episode 13 – Pressure
It’s the one where Angela and Jordan are maybe gonna do it which leads to me and Kat talking about when we did it but not with each other don’t think like that but we definitely totally all the way did it with other…
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