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“I have a few things to do between now and then.” Let’s settle one thing up front: everybody understands that the Captain is in love with Beverly Crusher. This was revealed at the beginning of Season 1, paid off at…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Starship Mine”
“The light in this room would make colour selection exceptionally problematic.” DIE HARD ON THE ENTERPRISE! DIE HARD ON THE ENTERPRISE! Man, remember the early ‘90s, when every ten minutes someone was doing a “Die Hard on a [something]”? It…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Birthright, Part II”
“You do not kill an animal unless you intend to eat it.” The problem with Klingons is laid bare in this shame-faced episode, which is so morally and conceptually muddled that it ends up arguing for race-hatred, religious zealotry, and…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Birthright”
“Data – you are the bird.” With a flourish of Deep Space Nine’s main title score, we arrive on the first glimpse of the space station and its characters in high definition in “Birthright, Part I,” and the world feels…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Tapestry”
“Your life ended about five minutes ago, under the inept ministrations of Dr. Beverly Crusher.” After “Face of the Enemy,” Season Six’s other best episode is “Tapestry,” which ends up on more top ten lists, although I like it slightly…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Face of the Enemy”
“Hod’laii.” This is easily my favourite episode of Season Six; and it’s certainly, far and away, the best Counselor Troi episode in all of Star Trek: The Next Generation. It’s such an achievement over its sixth-season running mates that I…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Aquiel”
“Lt. Aquiel Uhnari.” The ceaseless romantic tribulations of the perennially hapless Lt. Cmdr. Geordi LaForge reach their dizzying zenith in “Aquiel,” where Geordi falls in love with a dead woman. Who turns out not to be dead. It’s a terrible…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Ship in a Bottle”
“My past is nothing but a fiction.” I didn’t have much use for this episode back in the day; it played into my various “meh” factors at the time like holodeck conceptual mysteries; weak use of Barclay; the Sherlock Holmes…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Chain of Command, Part II”
“THERE! – ARE! – FOUR!! – LIGHTS!!!” The history of Cardassia, some of it anyway, is laid out in miniature over the course of Gul Madred’s torture sessions with Captain Picard in Part II of “Chain of Command.” We learn…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Chain of Command, Part I”
“A challenge. You should prove an interesting challenge.” We have arrived at, arguably, the apex of Star Trek: The Next Generation‘s pop cultural power: the week it gave birth to a spin-off. I can’t recall if “Chain of Command” coincided…