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“Loo loo loo loo loo! Loo loo loo!” This is one of my favourite Data episodes, a deeply dark and fairly unsettling one-off in which the android is abducted by Kivas Fajo (Saul Rubinek), a collector of unique items from…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Hollow Pursuits”
“I am the goddess of empathy! Cast off your inhibitions and embrace love! Truth! Joy!” “Hollow Pursuits” is one of those terrifying episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation that was really good – and really smart – when it…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Tin Man”
“Is that the purpose of existence? To care for someone?” “Tin Man” is probably best remembered in fan circles for its rather extraordinary musical score, which was Jay Chattaway’s first composition for Star Trek: The Next Generation and is such…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Captain’s Holiday”
“From the moment I met you, I knew you were going to be trouble.” Captain Picard takes a vacation and ends up on an Indiana Jonesish adventure for a mythical artifact, accompanied by a beautiful sidekick and squared off against…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Allegiance”
“An ale for me, and for my officers… in fact, ales for everyone!” I guess there’s nothing particularly wrong with “Allegiance,” except I don’t like it much. It has the feel of an old-style Star Trek science fiction story, and…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Sins of the Father”
“jIlajneS. ghIj qet jaghmeyjaj.” “The Sins of the Father” is so good that it nearly deserves to be a two-parter – one episode just focused on Commander Kurn being an asshole to the Enterprise crew and screwing with his (secret)…
Blogging the Next Generation: “The Offspring”
“His hands… were moving faster than I could see.” Yeah yeah yeah, the one where Data has a kid. I was merciless to this episode when I was younger, for reasons that I, at 36, can only attribute to my…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Yesterday’s Enterprise”
“Geordi… tell me about Tasha Yar.” Well, here we are – the episode that many would argue is not just the best of Star Trek: The Next Generation, but possibly the best of Star Trek, period. I don’t rank it…
Blogging the Next Generation: “A Matter of Perspective”
“You’re a dead man, Apgar! A dead man!” Sooner or later, everyone does their Rashomon – and so we have “A Matter of Perspective,” a fucking terrible episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation’s third season, in which Picard programs…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Deja Q”
“Red alert.” This period of the third season of Star Trek: The Next Generation is quite likely its longest (nearly) unbroken string of best-in-class episodes. The run stretches from “The Defector” to “Sins of the Father,” fully a third of…