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“But the Joker cannot win,” a broken and defeated Batman pronounced at the end of The Dark Knight, conjuring a lie which drives the engine of The Dark Knight Rises. Terrorists always do win, is the problem; their part of…
Tim Burton’s BATMAN RETURNS: A Look Back
“The Bat, The Cat, The Penguin,” the movie posters snarled in the summer of 1992, and Batman Returns did not disappoint; here was a Gotham bestiary par excellence. If the task of sequelizing Batman was an inherently thankless one –…
Tim Burton’s BATMAN: A Look Back
Batman arrived at the exact right moment in my young life to become the Thing With Which I Was The Most Obsessed for the entirety of the subsequent six or seven years. It eventually took, I think, about a year…
My Week With Alien, Part 5: PROMETHEUS
Originally published at The Substream. Spoilers. Thrilling and dangerous, Ridley Scott’s Prometheus is the vigorous work of a mature director, returning with terrifying intelligence to the rigours and riddles of long-ago dreams. The film does as advertised. It is hard…
My Week With Alien, Part 4: ALIEN RESURRECTION
Originally published at The Substream. The dirty little secret at the heart of dirty little Alien Resurrection is that for all its marketing claims to the contrary, and for all of Joss Whedon’s “there’s dead and then there’s dead” reverse-engineering,…
My Week With Alien, Part 3: ALIEN3
Originally published at The Substream. What then, Alien3? It is both the best and the worst of the saga, all rolled into one profoundly uncomfortable ball; it is the signature emergence of one of the most talented directors working in…
My Week With Alien, Part 2: ALIENS
Originally published at The Substream. With the first film, Alien became a classic; with the second, for good or ill, Alien becomes a franchise. This is beside the point for me: what I find most rewarding about all four Alien films…
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