Tag: Angela Chase
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My So-Cast Life: Episode 13 – Pressure
It’s the one where Angela and Jordan are maybe gonna do it which leads to me and Kat talking about when we did it but not with each other don’t think like that but we definitely totally all the way did it with other people holy cow! Sex is like this thing people, like, HAVE. And Angela’s trying to figure…
My So-Cast Life: Episode 11 – Life of Brian
We’re back! After a somewhat-longer-than-expected hiatus, we toss out a somewhat-longer-than-expected episode, because “Life of Brian” is just that interesting. It’s the first MSCL to give the v/o to someone other than Angela, and it turns out the things going on in Brian’s head are just as weird, if not weirder. Plus, new diary entries…
My So-Cast Life – Strangers In The House
The grim spectre of death ties everything together for our heroes as Sharon’s dad goes to the hospital, forcing Angela and Sharon to confront their “thing,” and Patty and Graham to confront their “thing.” Plus: who’s using Brian Krakow this week? Matt and Kat discuss!
My So-Cast Life – The Zit
So Sharon’s life is, like, developing, and so are her boobs, and so is a big gross zit on Angela’s chin, and so is Patty’s need to bond with her daughter through ill-advised beauty contests. It’s a mess! Let’s all try to feel like we might be beautiful as we re-watch the fifth episode of…
My So-Cast Life – Father Figures
What do the IRS, banana cream pie, the Grateful Dead and the way we feel about our fathers have in common? Easy: it’s the fourth episode of My So-Called Life, where we go deep on Angela’s relationship with Graham in the wake of the potential extra-marital affair, AND Patty’s relationship with her own father, as…
My So-Cast Life – Guns and Gossip
My So-Cast Life is back and it’s better than ever! Meh, actually, I don’t know if that’s true because I basically think every single episode is excellent. This week it’s “Guns and Gossip,” the episode where Rickie really comes into his own. Important shit this time out. SPLAT! We’d hate to be that soda can. Sweetly…
My So-Cast Life – Dancing in the Dark
I jump from Sandy to Nicki in this week’s horribly embarrassing journal entry and am called upon once again to reflect that maybe I should have vetted these diaries before pushing ahead with this podcast. Well, whatever. Plus: Kat continues to reframe MSCL for me in truly amazing ways – this week it’s about Angela’s…
My So-Cast Life – Pilot
We are once again in the iTunes store! And here’s an updated RSS feed for all you freestylers: http://feeds.feedburner.com/MySo-castLifeTederickcom/MattBrown Though it pains me to have a picture of fuckin’ Jordan on my blog, I am happy to announce the arrival of the new podcast!! Overshare alert: NOT ONLY do Kat and I review every single…