Tag: capitalism

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  • What are we doing?

    What are we doing?

    On climate, capitalism, and Greta Thunberg

  • Without firing a shot

    Without firing a shot

    It started this week: friends of mine, perfectly good folk, folk who (one would think) would know better, started sending me A.I.-generated art. An alternate version of The Avengers, cast with the stars of the 1990s; The Incredibles as a 1950s sitcom. It’s all possible now — if you have an idea, you can generate…

  • “What did it cost?”

    “What did it cost?”

    Covid is over, or hadn’t you heard! Or it was, for like an hour, before the latest spike in cases started. I dunno man. The government released this year’s vaccination guidelines at some point in the spring, and when I read them at the time they seemed to be built around the vague premise that…

  • Exes and ohs

    Exes and ohs

    Slouching towards a newsletter format and catching up on the week’s “stuff”

  • I’m so fascinated

    I’m so fascinated

    Even if I hadn’t quit my job this year, I think this summer’s strike actions by the Writer’s Guild of America and the Screen Actor’s Guilt / AFTRA would feel like a central idea in … well, everything. My relationship to my own career, both where I’ve been and where I now want it to…

  • Blogging the Next Generation: Picard — “The Star Gazer”

    Blogging the Next Generation: Picard — “The Star Gazer”

    “Cheers, big ears.” Season two, let’s do things in twos. Here goes. A story: I signed up for Paramount+ a couple of weeks ago, because I wanted to watch the new season of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds in 4K. (On Crave, it’s presented in… whatever the fuck Crave supplies. I don’t actually understand Crave;…

  • What if I just wrote it?

    What if I just wrote it?

    Here’s the thing: as soon as the phrase “machine learning” was on the table, any human being with a brain should have been so freaked out that they smashed all of their electronic devices with a hammer. We weren’t, and we didn’t, and now here we are: the beginning of the actual era where, to…

  • Destroy All Monsters: GHOSTBUSTERS Got Rid of Capitalism; Can We, Too?

    Destroy All Monsters: GHOSTBUSTERS Got Rid of Capitalism; Can We, Too?

    I can’t resist saying that I loved Ghostbusters ’16 – yeah, actually loved it, much more so than I expected to – and by sheer dint of my having said that, several users (the majority, I will hazard a guess, will be male) will take this opportunity to insert themselves into the conversation* and tell…