Tag: existentialism

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  • On the art of missing BLADE RUNNER 2

    On the art of missing BLADE RUNNER 2

    I decided pretty early on that I wouldn’t be going to see Blade Runner 2049, long before it was called that, or before Denis Villeneuve was announced to direct it (certainly, one of my “must see” filmmakers in this decade), or before all of it, really. The decision was twofold. In the first part was a…

  • Destroy All Monsters: The Tyranny of Straight Lines in ARRIVAL

    Destroy All Monsters: The Tyranny of Straight Lines in ARRIVAL

    Here on Earth (both within the film, and out in the real world), time is always a story, and all stories are arranged around it. This happened, then this happened, then this happened. Our entire understanding of psychology is based in how events in the past must have manifested in our troubles of the present;…