Tag: fan culture
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“This fandom is rancid:” an open letter to the Star Wars community
Star Wars has a big problem, and “whether or not the show is good” isn’t it.
Destroy All Monsters: The Meme-ification of ROGUE ONE
I’m consistently fascinated by how pop cultural mega-properties take hold in the discourse of the group they are ostensibly created for, the fans. There’s an interesting cycle created here.
Destroy All Monsters: JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS, A Weird Experiment With Fan Engagement
It’s 2017 and the world’s going to shit so naturally here I am prattling about JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS.
Destroy All Monsters: The Toxic Masculinity of Shaming the GHOSTBUSTERS Haters
The cadre of solipsistic, misogynist Ghostbusters fanboys executed what one hopes would be their final coup de grace against Paul Feig’s imminent Ghostbusters reboot this week, by spamming the IMDB (and Letterboxd) with disastrously low user ratings for a movie which, to the last man, none of them have seen yet.