Tag: His Dark Materials

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  • Diamond slot formation

    Diamond slot formation

    I’ve no idea if the BBC’s adaptation of His Dark Materials got a substantial injection of budget for its third (and final) season. The series is suddenly able to commit to visuals that were frustratingly missing or inconsistent in the first two years. Daemons are now onscreen almost as much as their human counterparts. Harpies…

  • 10+ Years Later: THE GOLDEN COMPASS, a Failed Footnote in Fantasy Adaptations

    10+ Years Later: THE GOLDEN COMPASS, a Failed Footnote in Fantasy Adaptations

    I’m reading La Belle Sauvage this week and I’m happy as a clam, and the timing feels right to tear (yet another) strip off The Golden Compass, which was an abjectly terrible adaptation of (my favourite) book.



    One ring to rule them compass I feel sorry for The Golden Compass. Of all the fant-lit-to-film gimmes in the half-decade since The Lord of the Rings, Compass is the one which most painfully wants to wear Daddy’s clothes. Its every nook and cranny is so painfully subservient to that frantic desire that the film that emerges is utterly naked.…