Tag: King Hu
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Blu-ray Review: King Hu Makes Sword-Sharp Wuxia in DRAGON INN
Made in 1967, Hu’s wuxia thriller hits the Criterion Collection this week at spine #937. The film has been restored in 4K. Colour in the outdoor scenes is stunning: the scorched electric blues of the sky against the mountains, or the loamy greens of forest streams, pop our quartet of martial heroes out of the…
Blu-ray Review: A TOUCH OF ZEN Comes to the Criterion Collection
Halfway through a year already crammed full of impressive releases (with no sign of slowing down… Dekalog for September!), The Criterion Collection has also taken advantage of the recent 4K remaster of King Hu’s seminal A Touch of Zen, adding it to their collection on Blu-ray as spine #825.