Tag: MCU
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My beloved marvels
Look, it sucks. For all the degree to which I’ve maintained — since Iron Man! — that the MCU films are intended, and absorbed on my end, as entertaining Saturday-morning confections, it still bums me out to watch the whole thing fall apart in front of me, because I loved this thing. Part of my…
Phase Four
So, let’s get into it: what happened with Marvel? Let’s start with some obligatory table-setting: following Phase Three (and, specifically, Avengers: Endgame) would have been a monumental creative challenge for any studio, product line, or storyteller; take your pick for which one you consider Marvel Studios to be. One proposal which makes absolute sense in…
Diamond slot formation
I’ve no idea if the BBC’s adaptation of His Dark Materials got a substantial injection of budget for its third (and final) season. The series is suddenly able to commit to visuals that were frustratingly missing or inconsistent in the first two years. Daemons are now onscreen almost as much as their human counterparts. Harpies…
Mindfulness of body
It was when I was in a painful forearm plank, describing the Flex Mentallo character from Doom Patrol to my trainer, that I realized my life had changed rather dramatically in the past month.
Destroy All Monsters: The Abysmal Fathers Of GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2
Arguably, GOTG2 isn’t paying anything off that Vol. 1 didn’t require of its own sequel. Star-Lord (Chris Pratt) has dealt with the death of his mother, several decades after the fact. The ersatz family (Gamora, Groot, Rocket and Drax) has come together on the Milano II. The lingering question of why the gang survived their…
Destroy All Monsters: Did Marvel Seriously Just Pivot To The Right?
The fiasco, last fall, of making Captain America a literal nazi (reinforced last week via the “Secret Empire” storyline, where it does indeed turn out that Cap was a nazi all along) seems now like a canary in a particularly inhospitable coal mine.
Destroy All Monsters: IRON FIST Doesn’t Just Suck, It Sucks the Rest of the Marvel Television Universe Down With It
Iron Fist isn’t just the worst thing in Marvel’s nearly-ten-year MCU arsenal; it’s indeed one of those rarest of pop cultural entities, an outright creative disaster. It can be used as a teaching case in universities for everything from film classes to project management: just because A was successful (and B, and C, and D…
Destroy All Monsters: It’s Not About You, DOCTOR STRANGE
One of the running jokes in Doctor Strange has Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) constantly having to reassert his title to anyone and everyone, because after the accident that shatters his hands sends him scouring the world for a cure, no one will call him “Doctor.” This is a useful line of insight the character, and…