Tag: Oscars
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“The fun part of winter is over”
The fun part of winter is over. After it was over, it snowed for 30 weeks, and the cat got a toothache, and all the matches on Hinge were unappealing. I applied for Survivor. (Legitimately this time.) Everything Everywhere won Best Picture and somehow became a Dad Movie, instantly, overnight. I survived a shitty February…
Deathwatch: OSCARS DEATH MONTAGE 2018 (Patreon Subscriber Exclusive!)
This is fun and new: we made a subscriber-exclusive episode! Since coming up with Deathwatch in the first place I’ve been looking forward to taking a bonus-sized look at this year’s In Memoriam montage from the Academy Awards. Subscribe to the $5+ tier to get access.
Destroy All Monsters: Look to the Movie Stars
It wasn’t a particularly political Oscars after all. Hollywood mostly went about the business of giving and receiving Oscars, and the most political moments in the show – the first Muslim-American actor winning; the proxy Best Foreign Language speech thanks to President Trump’s travel ban – were the ones we expected.
Destroy All Monsters: Oscars Stay White As Long As Movies Like LA LA LAND Exist
Watching La La Land, for me, was accompanied by a sinking feeling, a pronounced “of course”-ness, a sensation halfway between grudging admiration and simple exhaustion at the obviousness of it all.