Tag: pandemic
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“What did it cost?”
Covid is over, or hadn’t you heard! Or it was, for like an hour, before the latest spike in cases started. I dunno man. The government released this year’s vaccination guidelines at some point in the spring, and when I read them at the time they seemed to be built around the vague premise that…
Phase Four
So, let’s get into it: what happened with Marvel? Let’s start with some obligatory table-setting: following Phase Three (and, specifically, Avengers: Endgame) would have been a monumental creative challenge for any studio, product line, or storyteller; take your pick for which one you consider Marvel Studios to be. One proposal which makes absolute sense in…
“The fun part of winter is over”
The fun part of winter is over. After it was over, it snowed for 30 weeks, and the cat got a toothache, and all the matches on Hinge were unappealing. I applied for Survivor. (Legitimately this time.) Everything Everywhere won Best Picture and somehow became a Dad Movie, instantly, overnight. I survived a shitty February…
Mindfulness of body
It was when I was in a painful forearm plank, describing the Flex Mentallo character from Doom Patrol to my trainer, that I realized my life had changed rather dramatically in the past month.
Thank goodness this isn’t a newsletter
Correction: a *paid* newsletter that you expect me to write on any kind of a cadence
The meanest letter I ever received
The other day I found the meanest letter I’d ever received. It was dated February 1995. I dug it out of the basement by accident, where it had been lost in the wrong box; I’d given up on it years ago, and wasn’t looking for it this time. Reading it I was paralyzed by the…
Blu-ray Review: An Entirely Archival Criterion Release of David Cronenberg’s CRASH Can’t Help But Feel Very 2020
Advice to Torontonians: don’t watch Crash in a pandemic in December. Read more