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My So-Cast Life: Episode 16 – Resolutions
Very special announcement in today’s episode – we are doing a LIVE SHOW on October 22! Mark your calendars!
My So-Cast Life: So-Called Angels
Christmas comes early on My So-Cast Life, as we have a look at the series Very Special Christmas Episode, with its angels, homeless kids, and Rickie Vasquez. Plus: white privilege!
My So-Cast Life: Episode 13 – Pressure
It’s the one where Angela and Jordan are maybe gonna do it which leads to me and Kat talking about when we did it but not with each other don’t think like that but we definitely totally all the way did it with other people holy cow! Sex is like this thing people, like, HAVE. And Angela’s trying to figure…
My So-Cast Life – Other People’s Mothers
Magic realism continues to be a thing on the recent episodes of My So-Called Life, as Angela takes a spiritual mind-walk into the world of tarot cards by way of Rayanne’s absolutely appalling mother, Amber Vallon. Plus, Patty’s mom shows up – and Patty, officially, becomes awesome.
My So-Cast Life – Hallowe’en
Isn’t Hallowe’en, like, the best holiday? Angela thinks so, and so do we, as the opportunity to become someone else proves irresistible for several members of the My So-Called Life squad – including, just maybe, a g-g-g-g-g-g-ghost!!
My So-Cast Life – Strangers In The House
The grim spectre of death ties everything together for our heroes as Sharon’s dad goes to the hospital, forcing Angela and Sharon to confront their “thing,” and Patty and Graham to confront their “thing.” Plus: who’s using Brian Krakow this week? Matt and Kat discuss!
My So-Cast Life – Why Jordan Can’t Read
He calls her Red… but who the hell is “her?” It’s a nosedive straight back into My So-Called Life‘s favourite topic – Angela’s pathological fixation with Jordan Catalano – in the one where notes are passed, songs are sung, and Jordan can’t read. Oh, the angst! Plus, as usual, hilarious diary entries from 1994 from…
My So-Cast Life – The Substitute
A real deep-dive this week, as we tackle my favourite episode of My So-Called Life, “The Substitute” – including a very special not-quite-a-diary entry, and many rhapsodic talkings with respect to my high school English teacher, who definitely would not have approved of my use of the word “talkings” just now.