Tag: Star Wars
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Star Wars The Vintage Collection VC302 Director Orson Krennic Review
Director Orson Krennic’s back in 3 3/4″, and I figured I’d start making low-rent figure-opening ASMR review type videos. I have some thoughts on the TVC release versus the original five point of articulation (5POA) figure, and some pleading do with Hasbro re: future Andor figures.
“This fandom is rancid:” an open letter to the Star Wars community
Star Wars has a big problem, and “whether or not the show is good” isn’t it.
Plastic crack
In which a hobby is abandoned; a subculture is judged; and secrets are at long last revealed
The Crimes of Skywalker
I went to see Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker when it came out — too many times. I had social commitments I couldn’t reneg without feeling weird about it; plus, that overall sense that even bad Star Wars is worth studying, and a part of the family besides. After that first weekend, though, I…
The best television of 2022
Congratulations to us! We have once again survived a year of “content,” and yet another etch on the sliding scale between what used to be short- and long-form filmed storytelling, and whatever this medium is en route to becoming. And hey, bonus round: we did at least a sixth of it without twitter. And how…
Rix Road
“THE DEAD SPEAK!!” So began the final episode of A More Civilized Age‘s mini-season of Andor coverage, recapping and responding to the season finale of Lucasfilm’s finest achievement in the Disney era*. Since about twelve hours after I got back from Egypt, I having been devouring this podcast ravenously. I’ve had cause to reflect, in…