Tag: Suicide Squad
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Destroy All Monsters: Maybe The Trailers ARE Better
The nicest thing about a trailer is that it can’t hurt you. If you’re not loving the vibe, any anxieties can be immediately dismissed with a simple “meh, it’s just the trailer.” If everything about the trailer, though, seems doooooope (see Star Wars: The Last Jedi), you’re going to fall in love all over again…
Destroy All Monsters: Was This The Worst Summer We’ve Ever Had At The Movies?
The summer is dwindling to a close and film folks are taking stock of the season, both financially and creatively. It’s looking tepid on both fronts. We’ll lose some franchises that shouldn’t have come as far as they have; and the writing is on the wall for the dominant genre of the moment: evolve or…
Destroy All Monsters: As The DCEU Burns, The Studio’s Model Needs To Change
There are a few factors at play here. The first, obviously, is that regardless of what director is in charge, the team at Warner Brothers / DC clearly has no idea whatsoever what a good movie of one of their properties would actually look like. That they would release a film as technically terrible asSuicide…