Tag: the holodeck
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Blogging the Next Generation: “Ship in a Bottle”
“My past is nothing but a fiction.” I didn’t have much use for this episode back in the day; it played into my various “meh” factors at the time like holodeck conceptual mysteries; weak use of Barclay; the Sherlock Holmes fantasy; and Data. I’ve come around on some of those, and I’ve nursed a suspicion…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Hollow Pursuits”
“I am the goddess of empathy! Cast off your inhibitions and embrace love! Truth! Joy!” “Hollow Pursuits” is one of those terrifying episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation that was really good – and really smart – when it first aired, and actually became more so with age. Ostensibly written as a kind of…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Elementary, Dear Data”
“A great monstrous shape, on which I am like a fly stuck on a turtle’s back, adrift in a great emptiness.” I suppose the holodeck episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation don’t really do it for me – which is odd, because on basic terms, I love the setup, especially as it’s applied here.…
Blogging the Next Generation: “The Big Goodbye”
“Civility, gentlemen. Always civility.” Oh yeah. This one. Everyone speaks highly of “The Big Goodbye,” and it won all sorts of awards and regularly turns up on lists of the best episodes of Star Trek of all time. It kicked off The Next Generation’s fascination with the holodecks – their nature, their malfunctions (malfunctions so…