Tag: The Last Jedi
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The Crimes of Skywalker
I went to see Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker when it came out — too many times. I had social commitments I couldn’t reneg without feeling weird about it; plus, that overall sense that even bad Star Wars is worth studying, and a part of the family besides. After that first weekend, though, I…
Destroy All Monsters: Ben Solo Was The Key To The Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, And JJ Abrams Never Noticed
For no reason whatsoever, I wrote 3,000 words about Ben Solo yesterday. Well, here they are.
The Matineecast Episode 237 – THE RISE OF SKYWALKER
Don’t think I’ll have much more to say about Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker after today, but Ryan was nice enough to let me blather at him for a couple of hours on his show.
THE LAST JEDI Was A Star Wars Fan’s Star Wars Film… Until It Wasn’t
“[The Last Jedi] was the first time I’d seen a Star Wars film that had clearly been made by someone who loved the series as much as, and had thought about it as obsessively as, me.”
Deathwatch: CARRIE FISHER (1956-2016)
With The Last Jedi in theatres, and by way of commemorating the one-year anniversary of her death, we look at the life and career of the indomitable Carrie Fisher, with side-trips to Postcards From The Edge and Wishful Drinking.
The Toy Report: 2017
I don’t think I’ve enjoyed collecting this much in over a decade. I may honestly have taken it a bit too far; new job, new outlook on life, living high on the hog and buying every goddamn thing I set my eyes on. I cancelled a few pre-orders; re-sold a few things that showed up…
Destroy All Monsters: Maybe The Trailers ARE Better
The nicest thing about a trailer is that it can’t hurt you. If you’re not loving the vibe, any anxieties can be immediately dismissed with a simple “meh, it’s just the trailer.” If everything about the trailer, though, seems doooooope (see Star Wars: The Last Jedi), you’re going to fall in love all over again…
Destroy All Monsters: General Leia Is STAR WARS’ No-Win Scenario
Two weeks ago, Disney took the unprecedented step of announcing that, in spite of their recent resurrection of Peter Cushing for CGI Frankentarkin in Rogue One and in the wake of the tragic passing of Carrie Fisher, that they would not be digitally animating a General Leia for the forthcoming Star Wars: Episode IX. (Fisher…