Tag: TNG Season Two
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Blogging the Next Generation: “Shades of Gray”
“If you drop a hammer on your foot, it’s hardly useful to get mad at the hammer.” Well, here we are – the end of the season, and the notorious clip show. The WGA strike shortened Season Two to 22 episodes, and “Shades of Gray” was hastily installed to cheaply fill out the order. It’s…
Blogging the Next Generation: “The Emissary”
“Looks like it’s just us, handsome.” I mentioned the Next Generation poker game’s influence on my life in my post about “The Measure of a Man,” but if there’s a single scene that probably taught me more about how to play the game than any other, it’s the one at the head of this episode…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Manhunt”
“Last time I saw something like that it was being served on a plate.” I’m stupidly fond of this episode even though I realize that it’s not very good; Lwaxana Troi going on a post-menopausal sex jag across the Enterprise is simply too hilarious for me not to mark it as memorable. She even makes…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Up the Long Ladder”
“Antidote. If we’re going to share, let’s share. Now quote me a little of that poetry.” A weird smashup of what seems like three different episodes, “Up the Long Ladder” is charming in parts but can’t escape the vague stupidity of its writing, nor the ramshackle construction of its various plots. It’s most remembered for…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Samaritan Snare”
“I’m just not overly thrilled at the prospect of my innards being made the subject of Starfleet gossip.” “Samaritan Snare” is one of those rare instances of a premise so oddball it actually works, or at least, is really memorable: it’s the one where Geordi gets kidnapped by the race of… really dumb guys. The…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Q Who”
“The hall is rented, the orchestra engaged. It’s now time to see if you can dance.” What is there left to say about “Q Who,” that hasn’t already been said? It’s a great fuckin’ episode. It deserves its place in the pantheon of the very best that Star Trek: The Next Generation ever had to…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Pen Pals”
“What a perfectly vicious little circle.” “Pen Pals” has its heart in the right place but is a fairly boring affair; both of its plotlines are competent but uninteresting. In the A-plot, Data makes contact with a little girl on a dying planet, and drags the Enterprise into a debate about the Prime Directive when…
Blogging the Next Generation: “The Icarus Factor”
“Anbo-jyutsu! The ultimate evolution in the martial arts!” One is called upon to wonder exactly what keeps Riker, a career Starfleet officer, out of the captain’s chair that is trotted out for him so regularly on Star Trek: The Next Generation. (IRL, we know the answer: the producers want to keep him on the show.…
Blogging the Next Generation: “Time Squared”
“We may be on a road that has no turns.” From the ridiculous to the sublime – if “The Royale” is my least favourite episode of the year, “Time Squared” is certainly its opposite number. I flipped my lid over this thing when it first aired, achieving something like a contact high by the time…