Tag: TV
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Well, it ain’t Andor
It happened quickly. Sitting in the dark pushing my way through the muddy middle plotting of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, or more recently this week, absorbing the tonal mishmash of the first two episodes of Disney+’s new Willow extension. “Well, it ain’t Andor,” my brain shrugged, and my expectations — and interest — accordingly dropped.…
Bloody satisfaction
I am the one. I am the hypothetical, and hypothetically nonexistent, person you are all alluding to in your reviews of Stranger Things season 4. You: who would want a two and a half hour season finale of a TV show about kids solving spooky mysteries? Me: me.
Destroy All Monsters: As THE WALKING DEAD Reminds Us, The Apocalypse Is Going To Be Disappointing Too
“The fantasy of the end of the world only succeeds as a fantasy (or even as a horror story, if that’s what The Walking Dead is) if it offers an outcome more elevated than the one we have right now. Right now, though, The Walking Dead might be set in the zombie apocalypse but it’s…
Destroy All Monsters: In DAREDEVIL’s Battle Of Fanboy Wet Dreams, Elektra Wins
There are problems with Marvel’s Daredevil. I am an unabashed fan of the show – I have called its first season the best thing Marvel Entertainment has ever done, and its newly-released second season easily lives up to the benchmark – but I won’t deny any of the series’ more problematic aspects. Some of these…
Destroy All Monsters: HOUSE OF CARDS In American Upside-Down Land
Like many of you, I spent the weekend turning down the volume on the real-life political soap opera that has overtaken the United States and watched Netflix’s House of Cards instead. You have to feel sorry for House of Cards this year, a little bit: in the 3 years since the series debuted, its TV-as-novel…